The table below contains more information regarding the indicator.
Indicator name |
Statistical Performance Indicators |
Target |
No specific target |
Indicator description |
The Statistical Performance Indicators (SPI) assess the maturity and performance of national statistical systems in five key areas, called pillars. The five pillars are: |
Geographical coverage |
Canada |
Unit of measurement |
Score |
Calculations |
The scores for each pillar are calculated using the scores for the underlying dimensions, which in turn are derived from the values of their indicators. The overall SPI score is an average of the scores for the five pillars. For the overall score, a country can achieve a maximum of 100 and a minimum of 0. A score of 100 would indicate that a country has every single element that the SPI measures in place, and a score of 0 that none are in place. (World Bank Group) |
Comments and limitations |
The overall SPI score is currently available for countries from 2016 onwards. Some indicators have data going back to 2004. (World Bank Group) |