Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I suggest improvements to the data hub?

If you have feedback on the data hub, please email us.

How often will new data be added to this site?

We will add data as soon as it has been sourced and validated. This includes new data as well as updates to data we have already published. We will continue to incorporate data from existing sources whenever possible.

What is the relation between the Canadian Indicator Framework and Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy?

Moving forward together: Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy sets out an approach to accelerate progress towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Canada, and contribute to their achievement internationally. To promote engagement and action, the following five core objectives have been identified:

  1. Fostering leadership, governance and policy coherence
  2. Raising awareness, engagement and partnerships
  3. Accountability, transparency, measurement and reporting
  4. Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda
  5. Investing in the SDGs The Canadian Indicator Framework and the Data hub provides the measurement and reporting necessary to the ensure accountability and transparency crucial to monitor progress towards the achievement of the 17 Goals and 30 Canadian ambitions.

What is the difference between the Canadian Indicator Framework and the Quality of Life Framework?

The goal of the SDGs of “leaving no one behind” is a critical call to action for all nations and peoples that will take the effort and contributions of all levels of governments, civil society and individuals. In complement to Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy: Moving Forward Together and the Canadian Indicator Framework, Budget 2021 introduced Canada’s new Quality of Life Framework, designed to better incorporate quality of life measurements including prosperity, health, environment, social cohesion and good governance into the federal government’s budgeting and policy development. The framework also focuses on how outcomes are distributed across population sub-groups and on ensuring outcomes are sustainable over time. While the quality of life framework is derived from evidence on the determinants of well-being, rather than a specific focus on the sustainable development goals and the global challenge for a better and more sustainable future for all, the two frameworks ultimately share a common aim: to encourage transformational social, economic and environmental change to achieve increased quality of life and well-being. These two framework are mutually reinforcing. This means the CIF and the Quality of Life Framework share many common indicators. Jointly, they can help shape future conversations about measuring what matters and taking action to improve the lives of Canadians.

What is the difference between the Canadian Indicator Framework and the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators program?

The Sustainable Development Goals and the Global and Canadian Indicator Frameworks are designed to provide measures of the three pillars of sustainability – society, economy and environment - while the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues including climate change and air quality, water quality and availability, and protecting nature. CESI is the prime instrument to measure progress of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy and responds to Environment and Climate Change Canada's commitments under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act and the Department of the Environment Act to report to Canadians on the state of the environment.
Not surprisingly, several of the environmental indicators in the CIF come from the CESI, as these frameworks are complementary.

How accessible is this website?

Our aim is to make this website as accessible and usable as possible for every user. The Open SDG platform has recently achieved the AA level standard of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1).

What browsers can I use to view this website?

Our website works with most of the latest versions of the commonly used browsers. There are some issues with using the site on older versions of browsers (such as IE8) and the Open SDG team is working to fix these.

Can other countries copy this website?

Yes. This site is built using the Open SDG platform, which is an open source, free-to-reuse platform for managing and publishing data and statistics related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). See the Open SDG Quick Start guide for technical instructions on the quickest way to get a copy of the Open SDG platform up and running. Countries and localities exploring how to report their own SDGs data can also get support from the Center for Open Data Enterprise (CODE) through their SDG National Reporting Initiative.

What is the Canadian Indicator Framework Strategic Review?

Strategic Reviews of the Canadian Indicator Framework occur every three years following the implementation of the framework in 2021. Their purpose is to ensure the continued relevance of the ambitions, targets and indicators while ensuring the alignment of the Canadian Indicator Framework to other related frameworks. As such, strategic reviews will not substantially alter the scope, intent and coherence of the original indicator framework.