Targets and indicators
Target 11.1
Ambition - Canadians have access to quality housing
Target - By 2028, reduce chronic homelessness by 50% compared to 2016
Indicator 11.1.1

Target 11.2
Ambition - Canadians have access to quality housing
Target - No specific target
Indicator 11.2.1

Target 11.3
Ambition - Canadians live in healthy, accessible, and sustainable cities and communities
Target - Increase the percentage of the population across Canada living in areas where air pollutant concentrations are less than or equal to the Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards from 63% in 2005 to 85% in 2030
Indicator 11.3.1

Target 11.4
Ambition - Canadians live in healthy, accessible, and sustainable cities and communities
Target - No specific target
Indicator 11.4.1

Target 11.5
Ambition - Canadians live in healthy, accessible, and sustainable cities and communities
Target - By 2030, 22% of commuters use sustainable transportation
Indicator 11.5.1

Target 11.6
Ambition - Canadians live in healthy, accessible, and sustainable cities and communities
Target - Reduce the amount of waste Canadians send to disposal from a baseline of 699 kilograms per person in 2014 to 490 kilograms per person by 2030 (a 30% reduction)
Target 11.7
Ambition - Canadians live in healthy, accessible, and sustainable cities and communities
Target - No specific target
Indicator 11.7.1