Targets and indicators

Target 8.1

Ambition - Canadians have access to quality jobs
Target - No specific target

Indicator 8.1.1

Unemployment rate
  • Indicator status Reported online
Progress status
On track
On track

Target 8.2

Ambition - Canadians have access to quality jobs
Target - No specific target

Indicator 8.2.1

Progress status
On track
On track

Target 8.3

Ambition - Canadians have access to quality jobs
Target - No specific target

Indicator 8.3.1

Progress status
On track
On track

Target 8.4

Ambition - Canadians have access to quality jobs
Target - No specific target

Indicator 8.4.1

Rate of involuntary part-time work
  • Indicator status Reported online
Progress status
On track
On track

Target 8.5

Ambition - Canadians contribute to and benefit from sustainable economic growth
Target - No specific target

Indicator 8.5.1

Gross domestic product per capita
  • Indicator status Reported online
Progress status
On track
On track

Target 8.6

Ambition - Canadians contribute to and benefit from sustainable economic growth
Target - Achieve a 8% growth in jobs in the clean technology products sector by March 31, 2024

Indicator 8.6.1

Jobs in the clean technology products sector
  • Indicator status Reported online
Progress status
Progress made but acceleration needed
Progress made but acceleration needed

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